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A to Z of New Zealand
Law Topics

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When complete, A to Z will consist of 64 major topics, and there will be an ever evolving number of specialised topics. The major topics, along with those specialised topics that have been released, are listed below.

Topics available now:

  • Equity provides an authoritative treatment of the law of equity in New Zealand, including fiduciary relationships, equitable remedies and defences and equity in the context of other legal topics, such as joint ventures, family law, restitution and Maori law.

  • Evidence - Forensic explains different aspects of forensic science in a nontechnical way which is designed to give the non-scientist the tools to be able to understand the most common forensic science issues duing the investigation and litigation stages of criminial and traffic proceedings.

  • Gaming and Lotteries is a comprehensive guide to the law that relates to the various forms of gambling in New Zealand, including the law surrounding sales promotion schemes. It provides a clear and concise statement of the law and how to apply it, accompanied by case law discussion and guidance gathered from extensive practice and research.

  • Health Law is an authoritative account of the law relating to medical and health care law in New Zealand.

  • Human Rights sets out the international legal framework of human rights law, its elaboration in regional systems and the extent to which that framework has been given effect to in New Zealand law and practice.

  • Insolvency provides a comprehensive explanation of New Zealand insolvency law, covering corporate collapse, receivership, compromises with creditors, voluntary administration and liquidation.

  • Insurance is a comprehensive guide to all major aspects of insurance law in New Zealand, and is an indispensible reference for all New Zealand law practitioners.

  • Intellectual Property provides an authoritative treatment of the key principles of intellectual property law in New Zealand and covers patents, plant variety rights, copyright, layout designs, trademarks, domain names, and passing off.

  • Local Government provides an authoritative treatment of the law relating to local government and local authorities and deals with all aspects of the law affecting local authorities.

  • Maritime provides the wider context in which maritime law issues are dealt with in the New Zealand legal system, as well as valuable guidance on the extensive international law sources that characterise this field.

  • Media Law provides a detailed analysis of New Zealand’s median and entertainment law in a modern framework. Media and entertainment law is a growing and rapidly changing area of law, governed by domestic legislation and challenged by emerging new media such as online news and publishing, blogs, twitter, reddit, and facebook.

  • Mental Health provides a unique analysis of the interaction between the mental health system and the law in New Zealand. It provides extensive commentary and discussion on mental health law and practice and provides clear practical guidance on and understanding of complex clinical realities that arise in this area of legal and medical practice.

  • Privacy provides a comprehensive treatment of the law of privacy, including considerations such as the concept of privacy and its status in the law, privacy and competing interests, the development of the tort of invasion of privacy, the limited statutory protection of privacy and the application of privacy law in various contexts.

  • Property contains up to date commentary on the land transfer and unit titles regimes. As well as covering important changes in relation to discrete areas of land law.

  • Remedies provides a definitive reference point for practitioners, judges and others seeking to find the appropriate remedy for liability in civil law in New Zealand.

  • Taxation - General analyses all the major areas of taxation as they are applied in New Zealand, taking a practical and uncomplicated approach to the principles of laws of taxation.

  • Taxation - GST provides readers with an in-depth commentary, practical advice and application of the law of GST in New Zealand.

  • Taxation - International provides a clear understanding of the legal principles and concepts that underpin international tax law and cross border transactions and provides practical guidance to assist users to navigate their way through this complex topic.

  • Taxation - Property provides practical approach to the tax law related to both real property and personal property transactions

  • Tort provides a detailed treatment of the law of torts in New Zealand, assessing the principles of torts in the light of their objectives and likely consequences and giving close attention to the policies underlying the law.

  • Trusts provides an authoritative treatment of the law of trusts in New Zealand, covering all aspects of trust law.

In development:

  • Armed Forces
  • Bank & Finance
  • Building
  • Employment
  • Evidence
  • Family
  • Guarantees
  • Internet and new technologies
  • Partnership
  • Societies and associations
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