Salmon Environmental Law - Westlaw NZ

Salmon Environmental Law - Westlaw NZ


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Code: 41169133

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Salmon Environmental Law - Westlaw NZ

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Salmon Environmental Law - Westlaw NZ

Looseleaf Salmon Resource Management Act 30128515 $2,067.00 Enquiry

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Salmon Resource Management Act

eReference - ProView Salmon Resource Management eReference 01/11/2014 41721030 POA Enquiry

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Salmon Resource Management eReference


Salmon Environmental Law is a guide to the New Zealand regime for managing the use of land, air and water resources. First published after the introduction of the radical reforms to Zealand planning and environmental management law in 1991, the publication has always focused on providing information and advice for people working in resource management.

The practical focus highlights matters which are relevant to working with resource management law, as well as analysis and interpretation. In this respect it is an important resource for professionals involved in resource management and planning, for councillors and local authority staff, and also for legal practitioners who are required to provide advice on environmental matters.

The commentary provides information on the history of each legislative provision, and includes information on general or specific points of law, on the practical application of a section, and any case law which has an impact upon interpretation.

An experienced editorial advisory panel brings inputs from both a legal and planning perspective, and supports the legally-qualified in-house editorial team.



• Antarctic Marine Living Resources Act 1981, Antarctica Act
1960, Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act 1994 and
• Biosecurity Act 1993, Regulations and Orders
Cadastral Survey
• Cadastral Survey Act 2002, Regulations and Orders
Climate Change
• Climate Change Response Act 2002
• Conservation Act 1987
Crown Minerals
• Crown Minerals Act 1991 and Regulations
Energy Efficiency
• Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 and
• Environment Act 1986
Hazardous Substances
• Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996,
Regulations and Orders
Historic Places
• Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 and Regulations
Maori issues
• Maori claims settlement Statutes, Regulations and Orders
Marine Environment
• Aquaculture Reform (Repeals and Transitional Provisions)
Act 2004, Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, Marine
Mammals Protection Act 1978, Marine Reserves Act 1971,
marine reserve Orders, water conservation Orders, other
Resource Management
• Resource Management Act 1991, Regulations and Orders
Environment Court Practice Note
Subject Index

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