Payroll and Compliance

Payroll and Compliance

Louisa Clery, Louisa Clery


Price: POA + GST

Date: 16/05/2018

Code: 30113833

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

Enquiry form

Payroll and Compliance

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Looseleaf Payroll and Compliance 16/05/2018 30113833 POA Enquiry

Enquiry form

Payroll and Compliance

Online Payroll and Compliance - Checkpoint 01/05/2013 41413616 POA Enquiry

Enquiry form

Payroll and Compliance - Checkpoint


Payroll and Compliance is a handy one-volume guide on how to comply with New Zealand employment law, with particular focus on payroll and remuneration.

Regular updates ensure the information is kept current and in line with changes in legislation and other matters such as pay deductions and court decisions on employment status.

Extensive use of checklists and tables is supplemented with worked examples of calculations for a wide range of circumstances.

Written in a plain English style it has an emphasis on providing clear statements of each situation and spelling out how each step of any process should be undertaken. Use of bullet points and the short paragraph style make the product an extremely valuable resource which can quickly be consulted.

The product is a valuable resource for anyone involved in pay administration or HR managers who need an independent and authoritative reference.

A “Recent Developments” section provides a quick means of getting updated with new and proposed legislation and important decisions from the courts and other tribunals and organisations.


Please note that product prices are a standard entry-level price (1-5 online and 1-3 CD users). This price may vary if there are more users or if customers enter into an e-Options or Information Supply Agreement with us.