Beating Stress at Work

Beating Stress at Work

David Brown


Price: POA + GST

Date: 22/09/2012

Code: 30141970

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Beating Stress at Work



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Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
eBook - ProView Beating Stress at Work (eBook) 9780864727954 $20.00 Add to cart
Journal Beating Stress at Work 22/09/2012 30141970 POA Enquiry

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Beating Stress at Work


There are a number of books on workplace stress but few that resonate with employees. Written as an easy-to-read, enormously practical guide, its 136 pages are full of keys and quick fixes that readers can instantly use. It also presents a number of clear and practical strategies for helping people cope in stressful situations in their place of work.

The author, David Brown, is a psychologist and ergonomist with more than 20 year's experience of studying people at work and what goes wrong when their emotional wheels fall off.


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